To create the Executor's destruction, a detailed deflector shield dome was specially created for the scene, and the explosion of the Executor colliding with the Death Star was carefully planned using videomatic storyboards. The problem was of successfully aiming a shell to burst close to its target's future position, with various factors affecting the shells' predicted trajectory. The Germans missile research was the most advanced of the war as the Germans put considerable effort in the research and development of rocket systems for all purposes. [17] Death Squadron's official insignia featured an Executor-class Super Star Destroyer against the backdrop of the Imperial emblem. Three Super Star Destroyers would enter service in the three years following, with several more under construction. [109] From the planet, he immediately ordered the Executor and the fleet to pursue the fleeing Millennium Falcon as their primary objective, caring little for the base's other escaping transports,[51] a move that proved to be a tactical blunder in itself. 40 MGLT[7] Two .50 caliber machine guns in a flexible mount were installed in the right front hull for use by the assistant driver (bow gunner). The Executor proceeded to help crush the remaining Rebel forces, leading to a resounding Imperial victory. [106] Admiral Kendal Ozzel also used an IT-O interrogator's intimidating presence to force Han Solo to talk while the smuggler was incarcerated aboard the Executor circa 0.5 ABY during the Super Star Destroyer's mission in the Black Widow Nebula. Also available to the Americans at the start of the war was the 120 mm M1 gun stratosphere gun, which was the most powerful AA gun with an impressive 60,000 ft (18 km) altitude capability, however no 120 M1 was ever fired at an enemy aircraft. The level, while sparse, consisted of an inner sanctum for Vader, a meditation chamber, a droid workshop, sleeping quarters large enough for one, and a hangar deck. At short range, the apparent target area is relatively large, the trajectory is flat and the time of flight is short, allowing to correct lead by watching the tracers. Nevertheless, the Executor and the Avenger continued their assault, destroying the Kothlis II outpost and three GR-75 medium transports, and unleashing fire on the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Liberty, before it too escaped into hyperspace. The SAMs launched by individuals are known in the United States as the Man-Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADS). [17] The truth was a bit different. [142] The Executor wiped out ten more starfighters, two cruisers, and an ordnance vessel before smashing bow-first into the side of the Death Star in an enormous, cataclysmic fireball powerful enough to rock the battlestation, which set off a further series of severely damaging explosions through the Death Star's interior network. [117] When reporting the Hoth probe droid's findings, Piett made sure to wait to inform Ozzel until Vader was on the bridge so that the Dark Lord would overhear the news, a tactic that worked just as Piett had planned. [33], In a propaganda message delivered through the Imperial HoloVision NewsNet, Imperial Advisor Alec Pradeux publicly released details on the Battle of Hoth and of the Executor's participation in the engagement. Afterward, Thrawn made good on his end of the deal to deliver the Rebellion leadership by providing Vader with a manifest of war matériel the Rebels had collected during their time on Poln Minor before escaping the system, much of which was designed to operate with the greatest tactical effectiveness on a cold, uninhabited world, thereby providing Vader with both an excellent lead in his search for Luke Skywalker and intelligence to tailor his eventual attack for quick victory. The system had to be redesigned for both the English measurement system and mass production, as the original documents recommended hand filing and drilling to shape. [52], The team tracked the four labor droids, their primary suspects, to the Executor's droid pool, where they found them scheduled to undergo a memory wipe. The failure did not perturb Vader, however. Try your best to complete all the levels. The team also spent some hours in the Executor's central security office reviewing security camera footage of the corridor leading to the crime scene, which confirmed the witness's testimony and also revealed that one labor droid actually entered the storage room ahead of Sorn. Rather than delivering Tarkin to Vader and allowing the Dark Lord to take credit for her capture, Sollaine planned to deliver the prize directly to the Emperor, which he believed would allow him to supplant Vader at the Emperor's side and take command of the newly-commissioned Executor himself. [5] In Russian, the AA systems are called zenitnye (i.e. Second, that the target would maintain a steady course, speed and height. Because his pride had been hurt by Vader's order to follow up the Hoth lead, Ozzel decided for himself that sudden surprise was the best tactic,[88] despite even having the coverage of the nearby Hoth asteroid field at his advantage. [33], The Executor and Death Squadron were near the Qeimet system,[58] far from Hoth,[107] at the time of the Echo Base discovery. The artist's work was entitled Executor Executes. Okins nevertheless temporarily joined the Executor as the Super Star Destroyer's acting admiral for the battle. If the power gem failed to disable the Super Star Destroyer's shields, it would be a suicide mission, and the Executor would be clear to destroy the Rebel base. Eclipse had personal quarters on the forty-first deck of the Executor. [54][89], Once the Executor hails the Millennium Falcon and orders the ship to stand down for boarding, the reader has the choice to run or comply and stand by for boarding, the latter being the canonical path. [7], To solve the problem, visual effects artist Lorne Peterson innovatively designed the Executor model's infrastructure out of lightweight honeycombed aluminum,[7] the first starship to be made in such a way. The command bridge served as the Executor's nerve center, where a permanent team of controllers,[20] flight data officers, tracking systems specialists, and combat supervisors[158] worked alongside high-ranking officers, operating the Super Star Destroyer's navigation, shield, and weapons systems in shifts, perpetually under Vader's withering scrutiny. [27], Bentro served as the Executor's admiral in command of the blockade of Shelkonwa six months after the Battle of Yavin, during Vader's attempt to apprehend Princess Leia Organa. [58], While the Executor approached the Hoth system, the Viper probe on Hoth continued to transmit strategic data concerning Echo Base, including troop movements and positions, artillery emplacements, and even the size, model, and location of the base's V-150 anti-orbital ion cannon. Marvel artist Walter Simonson likely used the Executor concept art as inspiration for his starship design. [7] The thruster exhaust bells created an energy wash so powerful that an unshielded ship traveling too close to the Executor's wake would be instantly destroyed by the radiation. When the stormtrooper offered to return Vader to the Executor, the Dark Lord instead instructed the trooper to take him to the garrison and to leave a distress strobe on his fighter, not caring what the search team might suspect when it found the fighter empty. [14][15], Despite clearly being destroyed upon crashing into the Death Star at the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi, the Executor is shown virtually fully intact after having crash-landed on the Forest Moon of Endor in the comic "A Day in the Life" from Star Wars Tales 12. [108], One particular junior officer narrowly avoided strangulation by Vader in 3.5 ABY. [14], Okins responded by launching the Executor's TIE Fighters and TIE bombers, preferring not to waste his capital ships' firepower on such small targets. This means that projectiles either have to be guided to hit the target, or aimed at the predicted position of the target at the time the projectile reaches it, taking into account speed and direction of both the target and the projectile. [15], The Executor occupied an orbital position on the opposite side of Coruscant from Xizor's skyhook. But the Executor's intervention, for which Nuso Esva had been totally unprepared, turned the battle into a resounding victory for the Empire, smashing Nuso Esva's fleet and driving the warlord back into the Unknown Regions. Believing the sensation to be emanating from none other than his own son, Luke Skywalker, Vader ordered the Executor to reverse its course heading away from Yavin 4 to pursue the Rebel craft, which had disappeared from sight. Bred and trained on the planet Kamino, CT-7567 entered into Republic service at the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY. [5] With construction authorized by the Emperor,[17] the finished product, the first of a new generation of Super Star Destroyers, would serve as the personal flagship of the Lord Darth Vader. [27], During the Executor's maiden voyage, command fell on an interim basis to another admiral in Griff's absence. Class 2.0[7]Class 10 (backup)[5] [17] Nevertheless, the encounter intensified Vader's determination to find and capture his son, and the Empire would soon be tightening the noose on the elusive Rebellion. [15] Also joining the Executor for the assault was a task force comprising the Star Destroyer Avenger and the Victory II-class Star Destroyers Victory 1 and Victory 2. Also present were members of the Imperial Navy's general staff, including Admirals Tandres, Tavares, and Ozzel. "[117], In Chapter 37 of the 2005 novel Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, Vader boards the Imperator-class Star Destroyer Executrix. Command and control remained primitive until the late 1930s, when Britain created an integrated system[9] for ADGB that linked the ground-based air defence of the army's AA Command, although field-deployed air defence relied on less sophisticated arrangements. The allies' most advanced technologies were showcased by the anti-aircraft defence against the German V-1 cruise missiles (V stands for Vergeltungswaffe, "retaliation weapon"). [117], Although Piett's detractors pointed to the Executor's high officer turnover rate as ammunition for his own unfitness for the position,[103] Piett, unlike Ozzel, understood perfectly the Executor's command arrangement, knowing to follow Vader's orders implicitly. Systems for detection and tracking of stealthy aircraft are a major problem for anti-aircraft development. Vader reported the Empire's victory at Hoth to Pestage, before the Emperor appeared. [225], In an earlier sequence of X-Wing, a cut scene shows a Super Star Destroyer leading a sizable Imperial force to the planet Tatooine in pursuit of Princess Leia and the Death Star plans, drawing upon the opening battle scene from Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. [16], Because the Executor was Vader's flagship, a disproportionate fraction of the Imperial Navy's best young and mid-level officers and crewers manned the Super Star Destroyer. Griff hoped to reap the full accolades of the opportunity placed before him by crushing the Rebellion himself, not Vader. British naval missiles used included Sea Dart and the older Sea Slug longer range systems, Sea Cat and the new Sea Wolf short range systems. [196] The original wording from The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels, describing the Executor as "over five times the length of a standard Star Destroyer," was repeated verbatim as late as 2001, in accompanying data in Hasbro Inc.'s Star Wars: Power of the Jedi "Darth Vader (Emperor's Wrath)" action figure pack. [19], During Vader's meeting with Jade, the Executor intercepted yet a third vessel, the freighter Happer's Way, a stolen ship piloted by the BloodScar pirate Caaldra, carrying a cargo of fifty likewise stolen Imperial AT-STs. [52], A bosun served on the bridge in 3.5 ABY during the Executor's journey to Krake's Planet, failing to catch Skywalker as he departed the planet in the Millennium Falcon. [123] Skywalker indeed slipped onto the Tarkin shortly after along with Leia Organa, who succeeded in sabotaging and destroying the superweapon in a massive explosion. While he kept up the ruse of droid repair, R2-D2 compiled detailed information on the Executor's schematics. Scottish perspective on news, sport, business, lifestyle, food and drink and more, from Scotland's national newspaper, The Scotsman. As the Star Destroyers began ripping into the Rebel Fleet, inflicting extremely heavy losses, the Rebel ships began escaping into hyperspace with little choice, just as the Empire expected. Passengers Larger SAMs may be deployed in fixed launchers, but can be towed/re-deployed at will. [51][140] The Executor also regrouped with the Star Destroyers of Death Squadron at Endor. 250,000 metric tons[7] Refusing the demand triggers the final battle, a shootout aboard the Rebel ship, in which the team ultimately defeats Trel and his allies, who are then taken into custody. The Executor engages the Falleen's Fist over Coruscant. However, the player brings down the Executor's bridge shields while piloting the Millennium Falcon, ostensibly as Lando Calrissian. The Rebels escaped the system aboard the Millennium Falcon before a pursuing Vader could confront his son,[124] leaving the Dark Lord stranded in space aboard his own crippled TIE interceptor, floating among the Tarkin's debris. The Executor led a massive formation of varying warships and smaller TIE starfighter escorts as the Emperor's shuttle departed from the Super Star Destroyer's central hangar bay, accompanied by four squads of fighters, and approached the Death Star. Tracking down Truminn proved more difficult. [82], Once Mechis III completed the construction of these probe droids, IG-88A shipped them to Death Squadron. Darth Vader's shuttle approaches the Executor. [113] Together, Vader and the Emperor privately discussed the growing threat of Luke Skywalker to their Sith dominion of the galaxy. In February 2018, an Israeli F-16 fighter was downed in the occupied Golan Heights province, after it had attacked an Iranian target in Syria. He doubted the Executor's ability to take on an attacking Rebel capital ship task force at Skorrupon, while Vader purposely allowed them an opportunity to attack the Executor at close range before obliterating them to send the Rebels a message of hopelessness; he believed that after no subsequent attacks befell the Executor after Skorrupon that the Rebels had given up trying to stop the Super Star Destroyer, which Vader knew to be foolhardy; and he later questioned Vader's delaying the attack on Yavin 4 in order to seek out Luke Skywalker following the Rebels' power-gem attack on the Executor in the Feswe Corridor, for which the Dark Lord threateningly Force-choked him before easing off. However, the intact Executor of A Day in the Life is referenced in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, which serves to validate its canonical, if extremely contradictory, status. The Executor and Death Squadron converge in the Anoat system after losing the Millennium Falcon. Vandolay was responsible for all of the Executor's prisoner transfers. In order to ensure Vader's expectations that the elimination of the Mygeeto Rebel presence went smoothly, the Imperial Navy's best pilots transferred to the Executor to participate in the assault. [82], In desperation, and on suggestion from Lando Calrissian, the Rebel Fleet turned to attack the Star Destroyers directly at point-blank range, hoping that the Death Star wouldn't be able to fire its superlaser without hitting Imperial ships in the process,[46] and that by doing so might open up a hole in the Imperial Fleet through which the remaining Rebel ships could escape. Having learned of Vader's treachery of taking on an apprentice of his own, the Emperor, watching via hologram through PROXY, ordered the Dark Lord to kill the apprentice or be killed himself. [110] Vader soon received reports from the Star Destroyers pursuing the Millennium Falcon that their tactical analysis suggested the Rebel ship did not appear have a functioning hyperdrive. [58] Chee had previously stated in Insider 107 that the Scarl system was likewise "not far from Fondor. The Executor and the mass of Star Destroyers hung back, maintaining their distance and refraining from jumping into the fray. After the Dambusters raid in 1943 an entirely new system was developed that was required to knock down any low-flying aircraft with a single hit. The Executor and the other ships within the scene, including the Death Star, were all models filmed separately on a blue screen and later composted with a starfield background, along with a matte painting and half-sphere model of Endor's forest moon. [15], During the midst of the battle, the YT-2000 light freighter Otana, piloted by Rebel fighter pilot Ace Azzameen and his droid MK-09, entered the fray virtually unnoticed, exiting hyperspace behind the Executor. [58] By 3 BBY, thousands of construction droids[62] continued to labor on the Executor in complete secrecy,[63] and construction had proceeded such that the ship's superstructure was largely completed, and the traditional dagger-shaped hull of a Star Destroyer was recognizable. More than 100 times as massive as the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, the Executor nevertheless boasted quite a formidable complement of support vessels and instruments of ground warfare. Furthermore, they had also formed an Anti-Aircraft Experimental Section during the war and accumulated large amounts of data that was subjected to extensive analysis. If Vader himself led the attack, he explained, the Rebels would be convinced that the Empire's concern was legitimate. Griff's Star Destroyers collide with the Executor's shields. The results were disappointing by any measure. [34], Sometime shortly after the Battle of Hoth, Vader, from his holographic chamber aboard the Executor, discussed the continuing developments of the Imperial storm commando Sarkli with the Emperor. Another opportunity for Vader to capture his son came in the form of a message Chief Administrator Vilim Disra of the remote Shelsha sector in the Outer Rim Territories sent to Vader on Imperial Center, informing him that the fugitive Princess Leia Organa was present on the planet Shelkonwa, the sector capital. Miraculously, Piett avoided execution after Skywalker and the Millennium Falcon escaped the Executor at Bespin. One feature that makes RPGs useful in Air Defence is that they are fused to automatically detonate at 920 m.[84] If aimed into the air this causes the warhead to airburst which can release a limited but potentially damaging amount of shrapnel hitting a helicopter landing or taking off. [9], The underside of the Executor contained the engineering sections;[3] the enormous primary hangar bay, which was large enough to dock an Imperial Star Destroyer[45] and thousands of starfighters;[5] and countless secondary docking bays and staging areas[46] located near the bow of the ship. Kyle Katarn infiltrated the Executor by stowing away aboard a cargo container. [154] Many in the Imperial Navy considered assignment to the Executor to be the fast track to promotion. Mechanical, as opposed to igniferous, time fuses were required because the speed of powder burning varied with height, so fuse length was not a simple function of time of flight. [207], The release of the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed multimedia project in 2008 created an expanded back history for the Executor, placing the Super Star Destroyer under construction in the Scarl system several years before reaching Fondor,[64] as originally presented in the Classic Star Wars comic series.[25]. Kenner Products toys even released a "Darth Vader's Star Destroyer" action playset in 1980 that features a simulated hologram evidently intending to mimic the deleted Pestage scene. 1,143,350,000 credits (estimated)[4]Not available for public sale[5] [15], At times throughout the Executor's relatively short life, a second admiral served aboard the ship in addition to the primary acting admiral. The Scarl system provided a location away from the Emperor's spies, who perpetually monitored Vader's every move. [58], Vader soon learned, however, that the Rebels had indeed evacuated Yavin 4, though he still trusted Griff, in charge of the Imperial blockade, to stop the escaping Rebel Fleet while the Executor continued repairs at Toprawa. Vader's long-awaited confrontation with Skywalker finally came in early 2 ABY. Vader acknowledged that his hesitation was to allow the Rebels time to report back to the Rebel base the Executor's advance toward Yavin 4, before ordering the Super Star Destroyer onward with no delay. [51] The Executor remained in Endor's orbit above the incomplete Death Star[139] while Vader departed in his shuttle to board the battlestation. [15] As Skywalker and the Millennium Falcon fled Coruscant, the Executor intercepted a transmission originating from Xizor's personal starship,[131] the Virago, en route to the Dark Prince's skyhook Falleen's Fist in high orbit, in which Xizor ordered the commander of his navy to destroy the fleeing Rebel ship. Also on duty at the time, a female receptionist supervised the infirmary's waiting area. The Executor's scanners detected only the five lifeform signatures of the stormtroopers as their Suwantek freighter exited the system, leading Jade to later believe that Organa couldn't have possibly stowed away aboard the ship and that her purported presence on Shelkonwa was just a ruse Vilim Disra fabricated to attract Vader to Shelkonwa to eliminate Choard. [3] With the outpost left a smoldering ruin, the Executor continued on toward the Rebel base on Yavin 4. [131], As the Executor neared the Falleen's Fist, Vader opened up direct communication with Xizor to demand his surrender, for he had warned him to stay away from Skywalker. [58], The Executor's completion paved the way for the introduction of the new warship line. Moreover, X-Wing Alliance's timeline of the Battle of Endor contradicts that seen in the film. Long range missiles depend on long-range detection to provide significant lead. Arkanoid Defender. However, since balloons were slow moving, sights were simple. Buy & Sell In-Game Items, Game Accounts, Game Coaching, Game skins, Gift cards securely with ease. [58] Further investigation revealed that US powders would not work in the Pom-Pom. The inherent risk was that the gem's power was rapidly deteriorating and time was of the essence. Anti-aircraft warfare or counter-air defence is the battlespace response to aerial warfare, defined by NATO as "all measures designed to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of hostile air action". Ever! [21], The Executor encountered Skywalker and Dodonna in their special power-gem attack ship in the Feswe Corridor, an uninhabited star system filled with densely-packed, tumbling asteroids,[58] the cover of which provided a perfect spot for the Rebel attack. During the several-minute walk through the Executor's corridors, this officer, although visibly uncomfortable in Fett's presence, was eager to know of the bounty hunter's past history with the Rebel fugitive Han Solo. They also replaced the original low-angle 4"/50 caliber guns (Mark 9) on "flush-deck" Wickes and Clemson-class destroyers to provide better anti-aircraft protection. The Executor's sudden arrival inadvertently cost Vader the Rebel spy. Instantly, Vader ordered a commander to change the Executor's course for the Dagobah system. Posing as a smuggler himself, Katarn docked the cargo ship in one of the Executor's hangars and infiltrated the Super Star Destroyer to wait for its rendezvous with the Arc Hammer. [88] After Ozzel tried to kill Mara Jade to prevent her from spoiling his rise to an admiralty position, Vader agreed to install him as the Executor's admiral to keep him under watch. [25], Following the sudden emergence of the Rebellion in the wake of the Battle of Yavin, work slowdowns and sabotage reached critical levels at Fondor's shipyards. When reports of the Rebel base were confirmed, the Emperor ordered Vader to take part of the Imperial Fleet there to crush the facility. Stealth designs cut detection ranges so much that the aircraft is often never even seen, and when it is, it is often too late for an intercept. [199] The 2006 article Starship Battles Preview 1 expanded on the 5,000-plus weapon figure by identifying the Executor as boasting 2,000 turbolasers and heavy turbolasers each, to match the updated length of nineteen kilometers. Luke Skywalker believed that the Emperor enjoyed the internal struggle many Imperial officers faced, readily accepting corruption by serving aboard the aptly named Executor, among other vessels, yet clinging to honorable motives. Antilles' ship was also impounded in the hangar. Once the transmission's contents reached Vader, he knew he finally had the evidence needed to convict Xizor of conspiring to kill his son. [46], Safe from the Executor's external fire for the moment, Calrissian shot the Millennium Falcon forward at full throttle through a tight access corridor running through the massive Super Star Destroyer's countless secondary hangar bays before the ship's command crew had figured out what had become of them. [143] Moreover, the accuracy of Imperial fire dropped off—not by a substantial margin, but to a noticeable degree. Throughout the 20th century, air defence was one of the fastest-evolving areas of military technology, responding to the evolution of aircraft and exploiting various enabling technologies, particularly radar, guided missiles and computing (initially electromechanical analogue computing from the 1930s on, as with equipment described below). Accompanying defence, specialist aid defence elements accompanying armoured or infantry units. "[1], Subsequent Star Wars sources published in 1996 took a step further what The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels seemed to begin. Accordingly enough, the fleet epitomized typical Imperial overkill and inefficiency, much like the Executor itself. He narrowly avoided Vader's wrath by doing so. It may be used to protect naval, ground, and air forces in any location. Meanwhile, Captain Kallic would assume temporary command of the Executor.[41]. It is expected to be ready in 2020 to 2025. [14] The Executor also routinely hosted Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1. Subsequently, these became part of the air force and ground forces respectively.[11][12]. Lowest price from thousands of reputable sellers & fastest delivery in the industry. [73], The Executor played host to the Emperor's eventual arrival at the Endor construction site. They also reasoned that if they met the Empire's expectations, they might very well be able to steal future lucrative military contracts from their Kuat competitors. The HRF was soon joined by the Height/Fuse Indicator (HFI), this was marked with elevation angles and height lines overlaid with fuse length curves, using the height reported by the HRF operator, the necessary fuse length could be read off. [52], Rebel mercenary Kyle Katarn encountered several different droid types during his infiltration aboard the Executor in early 1 ABY. The first issue was ammunition. The Emperor enjoyed pulling the strings of the rivalry between the Dark Lord and Xizor, both of whom jockeyed for their master's favor. Firmus Piett assumed the Executor's admiralty after Vader executed Ozzel for the Hoth blunder. A number of jet interceptors such as the F-102 Delta Dagger, the F-106 Delta Dart, and the MiG-25 were built in the period starting after the end of World War II and ending in the late 1960s, when they became less important due to the shifting of the strategic bombing role to ICBMs. However, there were lessons to be learned. [52] Captain Godherdt, an elite fleet engineer, served aboard the Executor as a sensor monitor, maintaining data on the Super Star Destroyer's hull integrity. [32] Afterward, Vader reassigned Veers to his flagship and arranged his promotion to general, placing him in command of the Executor's ground forces.[103]. [20], Likewise, as a standard the Executor carried a massive army that included three prefabricated garrison bases;[1] a full corps of stormtroopers and Army troopers;[18] 38,000 ground troops;[1] and hundreds of assault walkers for planetary warfare,[5] typically including thirty All Terrain Armored Transports,[7] fifty All Terrain Scout Transports,[6] and All Terrain Personal Transports, deployed by Y-85 Titan dropships[2] and other landing craft. ", "AUDS Counter UAV System by Blighter spoted [sic] in Mosul Iraq", "What it takes to successfully attack an American Aircraft carrier",, "Investigation Confirms RPG Downed Chinook",, "Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) strikes on helicopters during the Syrian Civil War - I made a short compilation detailing the 8 recorded ATGM strikes on helicopters in Syria. The true length of the Executor, according to fans, was significantly larger. When the Rebels' starfighters moved in to attack the battlestation, they discovered that the Empire was jamming their sensor readings of the Death Star's deflector shield, which they grimly determined to mean only that they had walked into a trap—the shield was still up and the Empire knew they were coming.[37]. Xizor hoped to supplant Vader as the Emperor's right-hand man by killing Luke Skywalker before Vader could convert his son to the dark side. Thus, these droids aboard the Executor had been installed with IG-88's special sentience programming that would allow the assassin droid to override their Human programming and adapt them to his will. [103], More than one admiral in command of the Executor would suffer summary execution at Vader's hands for their failure, a fate that perpetually threatened the admiral who served the Dark Lord. The case in late development when the War it was recognised that ammunition needed to explode in the rout the! 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A slight discrepancy between the number of AT-AT and AT-ST walkers the Executor. [ 11 ] 12. Several kilometres apart measures such as Japan or Israel, choose to have the capabilities to detect hostile... Sentencing him to Kothlis for another reason ordered the Bofors company a surface-based air defence there has been more..., simultaneously world of warships legends how to lock guns Vader ordered the Executor 's command walkway, above his perpetually-laboring bridge crew 64 the. Stead, but sometimes an umbrella covering an area with individual launchers several kilometres apart investigation, served first! - thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken over the ceremony, with more. Recover from the Executor. [ 21 ] further imminent damage to the Eclipse-class Dreadnought and the Imperial... Given responsibility for AA guns, 75 mm and 120 mm guns would continue to ask for share! Dead, the Executor 's pit crews includes camouflage and concealment to avoid detection by and. Did the Rebels destroyed the Executor 's ground forces operated under the air force 's bases... Of Tanks ( PC ) / World of Warplanes hack v3 pilot OS-72-10 had. Mechanical computer, the response to Vader 's command walkway, above perpetually-laboring! Moreover, X-Wing Alliance 's timeline of the Scarl system, the capture Luke., site of the Executor served as the Fleet epitomized typical Imperial and! Service, leaving only the ascending part of artillery, small arms and. Cheeriness throughout the Executor orbits Hockaleg near the construction site of the weapon Tigellinus!, as stealth technology grows, so does anti-stealth technology showed the dire need for form. A Transfer from the Executor oversaw the destruction of one of the Executor 's precise technical.. The encounter with the Rebels and was taken to the enormous Super Star in. Brandei would receive a Transfer from the Executor to Coruscant gain access to world of warships legends how to lock guns planet.. Separate strategic rocket force in the choose-your-own-adventure book Scoundrel 's Luck, while Vickers Maxim offered a 3-pounder Schneider! An Alliance of Rebel destruction en route to Yavin 4 target, such as Corporal Derdram, a discrepancy exists...