The other critics at the Shopper balk at his unanimous admiration and peer-pressure him into writing some negative reviews, which in turn upsets the local restaurant owners and chefs. We see the Lower East Side of Springfield, a young Krusty performing at a Catskills rabbi convention, and it’s all one big nod to The Jazz Singer. “Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire” is a much, much better episode of television than the next seven that aired, which were still grappling with the show’s tone and pacing. Homer, a regular there, sees her walk in and falls in love at first sight. Whereas other characters are defined by their flaws — Moe’s lack of a love life, Skinner’s crippling attachment to his mother, and Homer’s general stupidity — Flanders is always relatively free of problems. Hipster jokes didn’t have the best track record before this episode aired, but The Simpsons was able to breathe life into them. Jackie Mason (natch) plays Rabbi Hyman Krustofsky, and the episode goes HAM on the Jewish jokes. One of the most remarkable things about The Simpsons is the number and quality of guest stars it’s been able to book over its quarter century on the air. After Homer has to beg for his power-plant job back, Mr. Burns installs him back at his console in front of a sign that reads, “Don’t forget, you’re here forever.” It’s mean and existentially horrible. Formatted like a classic sitcom flashback episode, “That ’90s Episode” succeeds as a perfect send-up of the ’90s and deepens our understanding of Marge and Homer’s relationship, telling the story of how Marge went to college and fell for one of her professors. The Simpsons is an animated show, but its psychological game runs deep. Increasingly ridiculous — from Roger Clemens thinking he’s a chicken to Ken Griffey Jr.’s gigantism to Ozzie Smith falling into space for all eternity — the misfortunes offered a specific weirdness that would come to define the show after season five. (The first few minutes show Krusty lighting a cigarette with a copy of Action Comics #1.). This episode, in which Prohibition is reinstated in Springfield and Homer becomes a bootlegger known as the Beer Baron, pursued by an Elliot Ness-type crime fighter named Rex Banner, is one such episode. But the most recent seasons have still featured some fantastic episodes that are just as good as anything … They succeed with The Troll Twins of Underbridge Academy, but the publisher won’t agree to put it out until they find an “author” with an inspirational story. This was demonstrated efficiently in “And Maggie Makes Three,” in a brief montage in which Homer rips out some of his hair upon finding out Marge was pregnant with Bart, and then more of it with Lisa, and then the last of it with Maggie. A jealous side. It beautifully conveys the fact that marriage isn’t about not feeling tempted, it’s about realizing that what you have is more important. Think Go and Run Lola Run, but with poor grammar, fake addresses, thumbless buffoons, and hillbillies picking up hitchhikers. The show had dealt with infidelity in the past — namely, “Life on the Fast Lane” and “Colonel Homer” — but “The Last Temptation of Homer” surpasses them both. On a devastating last day of school — one of too many to count on this time and geography-blurring series — Lisa is bereft when nobody will sign her yearbook. Lisa: “I feel like I’m gonna die, Bart.” Bart: “We’re all gonna die, Lise.” Lisa: “I meant soon.” Bart: “So did I.”. Also, by setting it in the future, it allows for a lot of incredibly absurdist bits, like Bart’s treehouse tree grumpily coming to life and revealing his resentment. "Rosebud", of course, is a parody of Orson Welles' Citizen Kane with Mister Burns as the central figure who is trying to regain some of his lost childhood via his teddy bear. Lisa’s battle with the sexist Malibu Stacy doll company may be permanently stalled when her rival doll is dropped in favor of a last-minute hat upgrade, but it still results in Lisa’s strongest feminist statement on the show yet. “Trilogy of Error” is a one-of-a-kind marvel. #4 Now everyone knows that an episode of the Simpsons is usually 22 minutes long. The highlight? From here on out, “Menace Shoes” is a twisty tale about drugs, doppelgängers, and guest-star Patrick McGoohan. But the B plot, which finds Maggie getting socked away in day care and plotting a prison-movie-style escape, is just as strong, sweet, and funny. Few Simpsons episode do a better job at capturing Lisa’s fundamental desire for connection. He retreats to his room and Lisa gives him her telescope with which to pass the time. It should work about as well as an anti-escape orb that’s been punctured with a knife, but this one’s a trippy kick. But this impressively adult episode is not about Bart; it’s about the two grown-ups, who bond over their mutual sadness. Moe is easily The Simpsons’ darkest character, so a lot of comedy and heart can be gotten out of him in the rare instances when something good happens. Throw your vote away!”) The first two stories, though, have an imaginative depth that qualifies them as real science fiction (gags and all). Although Homer knows exactly what he loves — food, and lots of it — he’s unable to put his admiration into words that aren’t “SCREW FLANDERS,” so he gets Lisa to translate his drool into something more “groin-grabbingly transcendent.”. This is a pantheon episode for the show’s writers and its musical director, Alf Clausen. To quote something showrunner Mike Scully once said in an interview, “Guns in the hands of people like Homer Simpson are bad.” But an episode about it? 4. Take one scene: Homer gets onstage and a shirtless member of the audience comments to his buddy in the de rigueur ironic tone, “Here comes that cannonball guy. Unfortunately, Homer’s so convincing that he gets kidnapped by the Springfield Mafia, who demand repayment of the debt that Krusty opened his clown college to cover. It’s a rare instance of a TV-show character being proud of the extra pounds he’s put on. Camp counselors Mick and Keith are captured as guys who are more interested in using cheaper oatmeal and putting up storm windows than letting it bleed. By ... "Moe, I haven't seen the place this crowded since the government cracked down on you … You’ve never been?” There are a lot of words one could use to describe Homer: fat, drunk, bald, fat (again). Maybe. This is an episode that rests on its complexity, and the structure is simultaneously silly and beautiful. Instead of John Lennon saying the Beatles were “more popular than Jesus,” the Be Sharps named their second album, Bigger Than Jesus. “This one spent two hours in the broiler!” Homer declares. A 5-year-old Bart was miserable at kindergarten, a secretly gifted Lisa had nothing to stimulate her intellect, and Marge and Homer were scraping together $200 to buy an air conditioner. As a 1960s scientist turned cooking-show host. (A key episode, it seems, as it would also kick off the Sideshow Bob story line that would result in our No. Of the show’s many achievements, one has to be its creation of a highly relatable and specific portrait of intelligence. “A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again”, 94. This Citizen Kane homage gets into the backstory of Mr. Burns, recalling his beloved childhood teddy bear, Bobo, that he discarded in exchange for ascension to a life of wealth — and his lifelong quest to recover the treasured object. Mayor Quimby is impressed by the act of heroism, and he hires Homer as his personal bodyguard. An extended parody of James Bond in general and You Only Live Twice in particular, this is an almost entirely absurd episode that gins up world-changing events so that they can be forgotten the following week. The iconic “I Choo-Choo-Choose You” is one of the series’ most oft-used quotes. Homer sits in the electric chair awaiting his fate when what seems to be a last-minute reprieve instead sees his executioner declare, “The Governor says, he hopes you’re a twitcher.” One of the finest ten seconds in Simpsons’ history. Then, in Burns’s story, Moe starts telling a story … and so on. Instead of making her a flirty, seductress, the writers make her very real — she’s caught off guard by the situation just as much as Homer is. When Homer gets online following his purchase, he sets up a website, Mr. X, where he anonymously reveals local gossip. "You Only Move Twice" - one of the most bizarre episodes of the early Simpsons, but Hank Scorpio is such a … It’s the Gen-X, Lollapalooza world, filtered through the lens of the show. Best. It doesn’t last long, and Homer eventually turns himself in. Though it starts with the simple concept of Homer playing on the power plant’s softball team, it descends (or ascends) into madness when Mr. Burns brings in nine professional baseball players to act as ringers. “The Book Job” shows that even after two-plus decades, The Simpsons still has bite to it. During a surprise party celebrating Seymour Skinner’s run as principal of Springfield Elementary for 20 years, a mysterious guest crashes the festivities. It might seem small, but there is one joke at the very end of the episode that feel so completely Simpsons that it could’ve worked in any episode in any of the next 25 seasons: When Homer comes home with the family’s new dog, after it seemed like the family would go with out presents this year, Marge hugs him and says, “This is the best gift of all, Homer.” Adding, “Yes, something to share our love and frighten prowlers.”. Home’s journey to gain weight is more than just funny. The rest soon join. Homer is ready to ship all the foreigners out of the country because he has to pay an extra $5 per month, but once he realizes this would include a friend, he begins to fight Proposition 24. She can’t remember her life before it, she says, which prompts Homer and Marge to tell her the saga of how the instrument came into their lives. “Homer Badman” isn’t an easy episode to pull off: For most of its running time, our ostensible hero is labeled a pervert. You could probably organize a wickedly entertaining marathon consisting only of episodes in which Krusty interacts with Bart and/or Lisa. All products are independently selected by our editors. glaive Celebrates His Sweet 16 With a Delectable FU of a Song Alongside ericdoa. Here, Burns gets his day. The first segment in this sixth entry — “Attack of the 50-Foot Eyesores” — is the latter. Long answer: a hurricane destroying his home, which his friends try to rebuild, only it’s about as sturdy as you’d expect a “house that love built” to be. Eight episodes into The Simpsons’ second season, something clicked with “Bart the Daredevil.” The episode focuses on Bart seeing the Evel Knievel-like Captain Lance Murdoch and becoming inspired to try to pull off stunts on his skateboard, highlighting the “Dennis the Menace for the ’90s” persona that would go on to sweep a “Bartman”-crazy nation. Or, in the words of Lisa, “You’re experiencing spiritual emptiness because your power has isolated you from other human beings.” Homer tries to do some good in the world by opening a Stonecutters Daycare Center, among other life-affirming activities, but his brothers quickly grow tired of their leader’s newfound virtue, and everyone leaves to form the No Homers’ Club. Their relationship nearly falls apart, though, when Homer learns that Quimby’s working with Fat Tony to sell rat “malk” to the children of Springfield Elementary. “Holidays of Future Passed” just feels like the show operating at its very best. FIGHT!” upon finding out Bart and Lisa will square off in a match. At the end of the 30 days, Homer plans to race to Moe’s until he realizes there’s something he loves even more than Larry, Barney, and that guy who calls him Bill: spending time with Marge. The third installment, “Nightmare Cafeteria,” reveals that the “Grade F” meat that Lunchlady Doris is serving is made from children who’ve been dropped into a giant blender. Here, of course, the “something” is nothing less than America itself, the compromises and corruptions of which she is forced to confront after going to the nation’s capital following her victory in an essay contest. Then the gurney is accidentally wheeled into the kindergarten class. In the season-seven premiere, Lisa worked with Chief Wiggum to find the culprit, parodying Twin Peaks along the way. (Don’t you ever forget.) “$pringfield” is one of the earliest episodes to involve so many Springfield residents. “Scenes From the Class Struggle in Springfield”, 40. It also has Homer utter one of the show’s more nihilistic (and whiny) lines of dialogue — “I’m a lonely insignificant speck on a has-been planet orbited by a cold, indifferent sun.”. It’s midseason on TV, and there’s only one show that catches Homer’s eye: Police Cops, starring none other than … Homer Simpson. Interweaving pop-culture parody and social satire in the best Simpsons tradition, “Marge vs. the Monorail” is a treasure trove of quotable bits and indelible moments, many of which brush against the surreal. One was plenty.”), “Any Given Sundance” may bear a resemblance to season six’s A Star Is Burns, but it focuses much more on Lisa’s vision and her negative perception of her parents and brother. You\'ll receive the next newsletter in your inbox. Seems like a hard ask during quarantine, but we’ll keep our eyes peeled. One of the very best of The Simpsons’ annual Halloween-themed anthologies, “Treehouse of Horror V” riffs on The Shining, time-travel stories, and Soylent Green, with the usual compressed encyclopedia of pop-culture jokes and hyperviolent sight gags mixed in. Twenty-two years later, Maggie’s still only uttered a single word — daddy (voiced by Elizabeth Taylor, no less) — but that’s all that needs to be said. She’s a college student at Eastern University, which is where she meets Hugh (Mandy Patinkin). Gleefully ridiculous from start to finish, “Deep Space Homer” is mainly an excuse to showcase Homer’s stupidity, clumsiness, opportunism, cowardice, and seemingly inexhaustible good luck, and as such, it’s a classic. Itchy & Scratchy Land: where nothing can possi-blye go wrong. He can live in a single room above a bowling alley and below another bowling alley without going insane, but the minute he meets Homer, he crumbles like an abandoned factory, partially out of jealousy, but mostly because he can’t understand why one man can have such a charmed life without even trying. Although The Simpsons has always been aware of how chaotic the kids’ home lives are, they never really dealt with it on somewhat real terms until this episode, which finds Homer and Marge going away for a spa vacation. “El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer”. After Homer stops Bart from trying to jump over Springfield Gorge on … The results are decidedly sadder, making this episode more somber than most, but Homer redeems himself in a triumphant moment where he rallies up friends to help revive Flanders’s business à la It’s a Wonderful Life. Everyone has a great time, especially Bart, until he hears the cruise director, played by the instantly recognizable Steve Coogan, sing a song about how the passengers should enjoy themselves now, because before long, they’ll be back to their boring ol’ lives. “You? You'll likely remember plenty from the nineties golden era, but here's our pick of the best Simpsons episodes you may have missed since the turn of the century, now streaming on Disney Plus. Like in that one Twilight Zone episode, Homer disappears through an invisible portal in his wall and finds himself in another dimension. It’s all fairly ridiculous, ending in a Good, Bad and the Ugly Mexican standoff, but it’s extremely lively and includes a genuine spit-out- your-water moment involving an aggressive goat and a bracelet. It’s easy to forget how big of a deal the “Who Shot Mr. Burns?” series was when it aired. “Eternal Moonshine of a Spotless Mind” (Season 19, 2007), 44. Slapstick, but with an MSc. Of course you haven't! Bart gets expelled from school after driving a tractor into Superintendent Chalmers’s butt and is homeschooled by Marge, but becomes a bookworm after getting into a novel about a boy who goes to war. Naturally, this leads him into the home of the man who ratted him out. Lisa is shocked to discover that her favorite children’s-book author (shades of J.K. Rowling) is a fake — the woman on the cover is an actress, and a team of marketing hacks put the book together. The success of that verse leads the pair to the prestigious Wordloaf Literary Conference (a play on the Bread Loaf Conference) and results in a hilarious takedown of the literary world. Tonally, “The Last Temptation of Homer” is one the show’s greatest achievements. 10 Best Simpsons Episodes ... but after 597 episodes it seems like the Simpsons have practically done everything there is to do with a prime time television show. It’s a brief friendship, but any time we get to see Nelson’s sensitive side is a winning one. “It’s as perfect an episode of television as I’ve ever seen,” Ortved says. It’s proof that the extended Simpsons family can be as complex as the core group. A parody of The Da Vinci Code and National Treasure, “Gone Maggie Gone” uses the puzzle-solving, conspiracy-mystery format to create a wholly unique and wonderful episode. Of course, though, the reason everyone remembers this episode is because of the song. Our list of 100 probably gives Marge the shortest shrift, but in this episode, we encounter her neuroses head-on. Bart chafes at Ned and Maude’s God obsession and strictness, but Lisa finds that she appreciates the routine. When Homer learns that his car has been illegally parked in New York City, the Simpsons decide to take a trip there as a family. It’s simple work, but he likes it and he does it well. Suddenly, all the nonsensical ramblings begin to make sense. Rush Limbaugh fill-in Birch Barlow pressures Mayor Quimby into releasing Sideshow Bob from prison. In one of the series’ most ambitious, structurally daring episodes, “Trilogy of Error” is split into Homer’s Day, Lisa’s Day, and Bart’s Day, and they all intersect. You can literally pinpoint the second when audiences fall in love with “I Love Lisa”: It’s that fateful scene in which Ralph clutches his chest after Lisa, who is fed up with his courting, explodes and tells the poor guy, “Now, listen to me, I don’t like you! It’s a classic tale of sibling rivalry that’s prompted by the threat of Lisa failing gym. Voice acting on The Simpsons is often taken for granted, but Dave Thomas’s performance as the humorless Banner is such a perfect homage to The Untouchables and Dragnet that’s it’s hard to imagine the episode succeeding without it. Ironically, “Pauper” is one of the MOST DISCUSSED. We do. Even if there are various other origins floating around the Simpsons universe, you can’t deny that Homer proposing to Marge with an onion ring fits his character perfectly. (The agent himself even makes an appearance and gets strapped to a table and menaced with a laser, à la Goldfinger, only he’s renamed “James Bont.” Occasional Simpsons guest-star Albert Brooks voices Scorpio, who, of course, sounds like an Albert Brooks character, hyperverbal and always hard-selling himself and his vision. The Simpsons’ writers came across an issue of Time that theorized what would happen if a comet were to hit Earth. It’s Bart at his most puckish: He’s pulling a prank, but only because he doesn’t want to go back to the reality of everyday life. One of the wonderful things about Treehouse of Horror episodes is that they allow the show’s writers to go absolutely nuts and indulge in the weirdest, cruelest, most cutting parts of their imaginations. An essential character who orbits the Simpsons universe on a regular basis, Apu’s world is generally contained within the walls of the convenience store he works in. When a Lego episode was first announced, it was hard not to be skeptical, given how much it felt like a shameless promotional tie-in. Gabbo! “It all happened in 1990,” Homer says. Director: Mike B. Anderson | Stars: Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith Votes: 4,159 This episode shows that it’s also the best TV show at figuring out how to use them. It feels a little tame now, so advanced are the animation graphics of today, but there’s something wonderfully bizarre about the episode’s kicker, which involves erotic cakes. It’s a deeply satirical episode, spoofing not only the Twilights of the world, but also Ocean’s Eleven (Andy García plays the hack publisher). "Brother from Another Series" - I adore Cecil and Bob's sophisticated banter here, and I haven't even seen a lot of Frazier. “The Principal and the Pauper” is the WORST. “All’s Fair in Oven War” features two very funny Simpsons stories. Once the whole thing collapses, Ned cracks and checks himself into Calmwood Mental Hospital. It’s here in abundance as Homer attempts to win Bart’s love by disguising himself as Chief Knock-A-Homer in a Robot Wars-style contest. And WORST her local congressman take a bribe to raze a forest in Springfield add Simpsons episodes swelling Bart... Finally calls him on the Simpsons cousins of sorts in or link your magazine subscription, 98 example! Shy away from a pack of ravenous nerds and come back here... Where Homer steals a rare gummy he learns he ’ s back with the family, but we re... Cohen and she just got into Brandeis. ” Homer as his personal bodyguard sterling example of the hilariously... 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